Where will my ads appear ?
All appear within our display network. We have methods and procedures on ad placement which offers a NON competitive ad marketplace.
How often do my ads appear?
Most ads will run approximately 4-6 times per hour at a specific location. All our locations are open for business 8-24 hours per day. Our locations on average run ads 10 hours per day. So an average ad runs 40-60 per day adding up to 1200-1800 per month. Detailed reports are available monthly.
Who will create my ads?
You can either provide Sitefleet with your ad content or have one of our design specialists create one for you.
What format should our ads be?
JPEG works best for still images. If you have video or artwork in another format like MOV, WAV, PNG, TIFF, just send us the files and we will convert them. Additionally, if you are need of design services, we can assist you.
Can i use more than one ad?
Yes, there are many options when it comes to ad content and placement. This will vary on a case by case basis.
Do i need to need WIFI ?
Yes, you will need WIFI internet connection. WIFI is needed for Sitefleet to remotely manage your ad content and update our equipment to operate properly. Our system will still operate if the internet connection is temporarily disrupted.
How do I benefit being a host ?
Benefits of being a Display Host is promoting your business at your location. All Display Hosts are given 25% FREE ADSPACE at their location. Customers are exposed to your offers on a screen branded with your logo.. You can also advertise your ads on our network at alternate locations to increase your exposure.
Will my competition run ads ?
We have specific methods and procedures on ad placement. that offers a competition free ad marketplace, Each of our locations have certain slots available and locations will not be oversold or display competitive ads..
What type of ads are allowed ?
All types of ads are allowed on our network. Requiring they do not create competition for our advertisers and host. They must also be reviewed by our staff to insure they do not contain any inappropriate or illegal content.
What are the costs to me ?
There are no cost to you for hosting one of our display TV screens. We provide the TV, Sitefleet ad player and installation. You provide the wall space, WIFI and electricity (roughly $15-20 per year)